"OZIERI. Another great success for the Città di Ozieri Choir called to represent the city in the "choral marathon" for the one hundredth anniversary of the Great War on the south-eastern edge of the Asiago plateau, in Bassano del Grappa, in an event organised by the local choir. Accompanied by the Councillor for Social Policies, Gigi Sarobba, the members of the choir remembered the sacrifice of thousands of young Sardinians from the Sassari Brigade with performances at the sites of Col Caìna, Le Laite and Rubbio. In the church of Rubbio, the Città di Ozieri choir also received the honorary European medal of Fidca (Italian Federation of Allied Fighters) from the president of the Trentino Alto Adige section, Vincenzo Allotti. Great affection was shown to the Ozieri choristers by the large audience present at the events: in particular by the many Sardinian emigrants, proud of their fellow countrymen".
La Nuova Sardegna, 5 July 2016